
Every day Natura Histrica implements measures for nature protection through monitoring activities of nature, flora and fauna of protected areas within the County of Istria, in order to preserve biological and landscape diversity and meet scientific, cultural, aesthetic, educational, economic and other needs. Concerning nature protection and prevention of further pollution and areas devastation, the most commonly encountered situations are the illegal constructions, waste disposals and habitat devastations.
Nature protection measures aim to:

  • preserve and renovate the existing biological and landscape diversity in conditions of natural balance and coordinated relations with human activities;
  • determine nature conditions and ensure monitoring;
  • ensure a system of protection of natural values for a permanent preservation of properties on which these are declared protected;
  • ensure a sustainable use of natural resources for a benefit of present and future generations without a significant damage to natural areas and with the least possible disruption of its components;
  • contribute to the conservation of natural soil, preserve the quality, quantity and availability of water, maintain the atmosphere and oxygen production, maintain the climatic conditions;
  • prevent harmful human activities and disturbances in nature as a result of technological development and performance of other activities.

The supervision of protected areas is carried out in accordance with the priorities and needs on the field and includes a photo documented tracking of all changes in natural resources and attractions in terms of database creation for any type of further research and promotion. Natura Histrica promptly responds to all unauthorized activities in protected areas due to a good cooperation with the local population, municipal inspectors and the Inspection of nature protection.

The regional plan of the Istrian County records a series of new valuable natural areas to be protected. Researches are carried out according to agreed priorities and expressed interests of local governments, in order to start as soon as possible the protection procedure.

Through the education, various ecological activities and events Natura Histricasensitizes the population and general public to the value of natural systems and resources, and the importance of preserving biological and landscape diversity for a healthy and safe living. The implementation of educational programs is focused on younger, preschool, primary and secondary generations by developing ecological awareness, responsible and caring behaviours to nature as a jewel that should be kept and cherished. Beside the standard educational approach Natura Histrica performs the tracing and equipping of educational walking, biking and trekking trails with exercise equipment for playing and recreation, information boards, signs and facilities.

Promoting the value of protected areas and the natural heritage of Istria County, Natura Histrica greatly contributes to the general culture, environmental awareness and responsible behavior of individuals and communities to nature in general. Natura Histrica provides professional assistance to towns and municipalities in developing, arranging and presenting important sites, to inform and organize expert and recreational visits for residents and guests, also promptly follows local, national and world events in the field of nature protection and transfers to the public new knowledges and experiences .

Calendar of events

_VELJACA 2025.

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